Life Coaching and Consulting

Experience wellness in a whole new way at Restoring Your Hope.
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Hello. I'm Hope Jai.

At Restoring Your Hope, we have aided in helping client’s face life’s challenges and move towards a healthy rewardable life. Our goal is to help you restore your relationships, purpose, and happiness. We enjoy seeing our client’s life fulfilled and back on track. We offer an array of services. Schedule a free consult with us so that we can help you move from existing to living.


Life coaching

Helps identify barriers and obstacles to achieving a fulfilled life. At Restoring Your Hope, your coach will work with you on finding the strength within to rebuild and renew meaningful life experiences. We understand that there are times when life detours us, so our goal is to help you identify obstacles that may be holding you back. We provide a safe space for you to work with your coach to identify tools to push you towards achieving your goals and feeling better about life. Our coaches are here to help you explore life balance, spiritual growth and purpose. We want you to move from being hopeless to being restored!

Letting Go

We understand that it may be challenging to let go of the past, which can hinder us from moving forward. We will identify fears, thought and belief that may be keeping you from achieving a fulfilled life. We want to feel empowered as we work through healing old wounds, so that you can continue on with a life filled with hope and purpose.

Present Living

We know life challenges can cause mental anguish and emotional distress. This can be and result of living in the past and allowing stress and worrying overtake us. There are many things that are out of our control, therefore we want to help you reset and find ways to become grounded so you can move forward, and be successful in life.


Coaching is a step towards improving your wellbeing. You are here because you chose you today. We want to help you regain peace and stability that you once enjoyed. Our goal is to help you move toward becoming mentally, physically and spiritually recharged. It’s our joy to help you learn how to let go of things that you can’t control, so that you can enjoy and be present in your career, partnership, and life.


Our Services 

Email for a complimentary consultation.

"Keep looking up...
that's the secret of life."

- Charlie Brown

If you are facing a personal problem, struggling in your relationship, having family concerns or under an increased amount of stress, we're here to help.

Start a new path in life and be the change today!

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What Clients are Saying

"My wife and I needed help sorting out some of our common issues we had together. We found Restoring Your Hope services to be very accommodating and beneficial."

~ Mike D.
"I was really struggling with a sudden loss in my family. I can't believe how much better I feel just talking to someone who listens. I recommend Restoring Your Hopes to anyone who needs the help."

~ Cathy M.